Dear Medis women,

join us for a breast

cancer screening

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Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and 75% of those diagnosed with it do not have any family history of the disease.

Discovering a lump in the breasts that wasn't there before – this is something that frightens every woman. However, today, with the advancement of diagnostics, we have reliable and accurate methods such as mammography that can detect changes in breast tissue at an early stage, long before they can be felt by hand and when they are most treatable.

With regular breast screening we can detect early signs, before the visible and physical changes in the breasts.

Mammogram Examination Selective Focus

Pink Medis has a simple yet important mission: to encourage you to undergo regular breast checkups.

We hope that by organizing it every year and attending the checkup together, supporting each other, we will motivate more women connected to Medis to attend.

Therefore, we invite you, women in Medis, your friends, mothers, sisters, and wives of our male co-workers to join us.

If you join the program, Medis will do the following for you:

Gradient Squiggles, UI Buttons, and Backgrounds Square
Stethoscope Icon

Select a clinic in participating countries.

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Workplace Trust Handshake Icon

Designate a local coordinator to support you.

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Workplace Insight Driven Graph Icon

Cover 20%

of the screening cost for Medis women.

Taking part in Pink Medis screening is a personal choice and it is entirely voluntary.

Nurse with young women having a mammography

How does it work?

It’s easy! Register for a mammogram or ultrasound by submitting your application below. After submitting your application, a local coordinator from your country will contact you and provide screening dates, costs, and other relevant information.

Apply until 20.10.2023


& Answers

How often do I need to have a mammogram?

Major medical organizations recommend that women undergo annual mammograms after the age of 40. You should discuss the frequency of mammograms with your GP or specialist at the clinic where you'll be having the mammogram/ultrasound.

Please apply for mammography or breast ultrasound here on the Pink Medis website (please click the “Submit your application” button above). When applying, you can also insert the number of women who will be attending the checkup but are not Medis employees.

I would like to have a breast cancer screening with Pink Medis. How do I apply?

How much will I need to pay for the screening?

The local coordinators will provide you with the information about the cost. Medis will support you by partially covering the screening costs (20%).

What about other women (my mother, sister, friend)? Will Medis cover part of the costs for them?

No, in this case, they cover the entire cost by themselves. Medis only participates in covering the cost for Medis employees.

I am already participating in a national screening program. Should I also attend the mammogram organized by Pink Medis?

Most national breast cancer screening programs in our region start at the age of 45-50 and occur every two years. According to DORA, the Slovenian national screening program, breast cancer can develop in less than two years after the last mammogram, even if the result was normal at that time.

You can schedule an additional mammogram in years when there is no national screening and begin mammograms earlier than at the age of 45-50. Remember that you also have an important role in breast cancer detection by monthly performing breast self-examinations.

I already have a clinic that I visit for my mammograms. Does Pink Medis participate in covering part of the cost even if I chose a different clinic?

Yes! If you prefer a different clinic than the one selected by local coordinators for your country, Medis will also cover 20% of the cost for you. However, you must register through Pink Medis.

Please note that without registration to Pink Medis, Medis, this special offer will not be available, and you will also have to manage the appointment on your own. Make the most of Pink Medis for you and your health.

“I feel pride seeing the strength of women at Medis. Every one of us has a special place in the heart of this company. Let’s care for ourselves and each other. Join Pink Medis today and make a difference.”

Maja Strnad Cestar,

Medis CEO


For our male colleagues

In November, we are planning an initiative for prostate and testicular cancer checkups. We will provide you with more information shortly!